Thursday, January 31, 2013


I got Volcano as a sample in one of my packages… it’s not something I would have picked up normally, I think. I also don’t think this is a very fair review, as I don’t have foot odor problems at all (weird, I know, but thanks universe).
In short, yes, my feet are softer, but it has a weird almost licorice like smell that I don’t find appealing. It’s also very cooling… my feet are all tingly @__@
That’s about all I’ve got to say about that. Pick it up if you have stinky feet and let me know how it goes, since the whole point of it is conquering a problem I don’t have XD
I wouldn’t turn down another sample, though. My feet do feel nice.
Seriously obsessed with Willow Pattern. Someone love me enough to buy it for me?
Seriously obsessed with Willow Pattern. Someone love me enough to buy it for me?

Soft Coeur (The Honeymooner).

My first experience with a Lush massage bar was a decadent one indeed with Soft Coeur (pronounced soft-core, for those of you lost on the joke). This bad boy is chock full of honey and chocolate… like, legit chocolate. Boyfriend and I used up about half of this palm sized bar, which is pretty decent.
Scent: The honey and chocolate combine to give an almost floral scent that really sticks around. Like, for days. Make sure you’re into the scent before you use it because you’ll be dealing with it for a while! I enjoyed it, and I hope boyfriend does too because his room probably still reeks of the stuff.
Skin: This stuff is heavenly. It smelled great, my skin was super soft, and it felt awesome going on. It has a warm, buttery, silky texture and isn’t greasy at all. I think I may like it even more than the organic lavender massage oil I usually use. Don’t judge me, I like back rubs. A lot.
Tip: Have a towel handy… the chocolate kinda gets everywhere. Your sheets will thank you.
Verdict: Get it if you have a special someone to share it with and like a heady, sweet scent to spice up the evening. Hollah.
***Please note: This product is NOT VEGAN. It contains honey.

Big Blue.

Big Blue got a mixed reaction from me. I had high hopes because of its lavender scent base, and the promise of skin softening magic properties had me eager to use it. Once I dropped it in the bath, though… Houston, we had a problem.
Creepy looking giant microbe thing, that’s what it is. And those little sticks? That’s seaweed. Bookoos of floppy, gooey, wormy-looking seaweed being released into the bath. Imagine it’s summertime in the neighborhood, and there’s one of those nice little plastic kiddie pools, full of fresh water from the hose… and here comes little Johnny, running through the grassy yard and splashing his dirty, grassy feet all up in that water. Who wants to swim in the muddy grassy water? No one.
And I certainly don’t want to bathe in it. The little pieces of seaweed were such an offputting texture (see: WORMS) that I got out of the bath fairly quickly.
Was my skin softened? Yes. Even after the short time I spent in the bath before being completely grossed out by seaweed, there was a noticeable difference. The scent was slightly boyish for my taste (damn you, lemongrass), but definitely not unpleasant.
Verdict: Get it if you want some mega skin softening, since I imagine bathing in it for longer than 5 minutes as I did will result in some super-buttery excellent skin. Stick the bomb in a recycled piece of nylon stocking before dropping it in, and you won’t have to deal with seaweed wormies… or cleaning them out of your drain and tub later, which was awful.


Fizzbanger came to me in the beautiful, wonderful Art of Bathing gift set I got for Christmas. It’s a quiet and unassuming looking thing, one I wouldn’t have picked up for myself in the store… I’m so glad I got to experience it!
Fizzbanger is a wonderful all-in-one bath bomb - scent, fizz, bubbles, color, and fun all in one fat little ball!
Scent: Fizzbanger sports a lovely, light apple-cinnamon smell with a slight hint of toffee. It’s not heavy or heady and leaves you feeling really refreshed. The downside is that it didn’t linger on my skin very long… I would have liked it to stick around!
Bubbles: As it’s not a bubble bar, I wasn’t expecting bubbles at all, but this bomb spat out a nice small crop of bubbles.They did die kinda quickly, but hey, they were there.
Water: I love the water effects! It starts out bright yellow, changing to lime green and then teal. A kaleidoscope of colors! The fizz is FANTASTIC… I used this bad boy after a hard workout, and the combination of consistent, long lasting fizz and good old cinnamon as a stimulant really helped my muscles recover. The water was soft and moisturizing, too.
Fun: It fizzes! It crackles and pops! It changes colors! And there’s a little cute surprise inside! J’adore.
Verdict: Get it! There’s nothing I dislike about this bath bomb other than the scent not clinging to my skin. Seriously! It’s wonderful!
When they named it Big Blue they weren’t joking… It’s the size of one of my bathroom tiles.
When they named it Big Blue they weren’t joking… It’s the size of one of my bathroom tiles.

Angel's Delight.

I’m going to keep this short and sweet. Right now I smell like tangerines and a pack of Starburst had a sexy scent baby. I want to smell like this forever.
Angel’s Delight lathers well and didn’t leave me feeling too dry. I feel a LITTLE dry, but that’s likely from my skin not being used to being soaped up two days in a row… skin allergies have previously left me only soaping a few times a week, so I will likely return to a moisture balance soon, and other reviews I’ve read have pretty much unanimously hailed this soap for moisturizing powers.
If you’re not on Lush’s website right now taking advantage of this soap being Buy One Get One Free before it disappears for an entire year, you need to reevaluate your life choices.


The Karma Bubble Bar sports Lush’s signature scent by the same name… let’s review!
Scent: I had such high hopes for Karma, with it being Lush’s flagship scent and all… but the spicy, earthy combination of patchouli and lemongrass with orange and pine undertones was a little dizzying for me, and left me feeling like I smelled like a New Age shop employee that stumbled across a bottle of old Oscar De La Renta perfume after restocking the incense section. Intense imagery, I know. It’s actually quite a sophisticated and almost romantic scent at first, but it clings to you and is just so powerful and complicated that I can’t get on board with it. I love earthy scents, but this was the wrong kind of earthy for me. My parents found it so offensive that they asked me to leave the living room. :(
Bubbles: I give this bubble bar a 3/5 in the bubbles department, for a couple of reasons. One, it doesn’t produce the volume that the Comforter does, which is my gold standard. Two, the bubbles die very quickly.
Water: I ended up with a browny-yellow colored water, kind of like lake water… not exactly luxurious. In fact, yuck. It was, however, nicely softened, but not to the point of being oily or too slick.
Skin: I was surprised to find my skin feeling dried out after using this, since the water felt nice and soft and moisturizing. Alas!
Verdict: If you’re into the Karma scent, maybe try a different product in that scent line. The Karma Bubble Bar just doesn’t live up to other Lush products I’ve tried. I won’t be using this product again.

Valentine's Day!

Lush’s Valentine’s Day collection is out! Darling boyfriend already got me the Do Knot Disturb set, which I personally believe is a Lush MUST for V-Day… but here’s my LushLust list for the upcoming holiday!
Tender Is The Night Massage Bar: Brand new product with a soft center of almond oil, glycerine, cupuaƧu and agave syrup scented with jasmine, ylang ylang, and vanilla. To. Die. For. Definitely for spending the night in.
Willow Pattern Soap: Is this not GORGEOUS? I almost don’t even want to wash with it! Lemon and rosewood scent with lots of moisturizers.
The Ex-Factor Bath Bomb: I’m happily in a relationship, but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy this bath bomb! It has the scent I loved from the Butterball Bath Bomb, but NO OILY MESS. Win!
Foxy Knot Wrap: How cute is this new wrap?! As always, it’s made from two recycled plastic bottles, making it eco-friendly as well as freakin’ presh.
Hopefully I’ll get to order at least a couple of these treats and try them out before they hide away for a year!

Lush Customer Service.

I encountered a little problem while trying to review the Ma Bar for you all… it came out smelling like citrus and flowers!! Since it’s supposed to be a chocolate toffee scented bubble bar I was quite disappointed, and sent an e-mail to Lush asking if there was anything they could do for me.
I received what was very obviously a reply to my PERSONAL e-mail, not a form letter, which read thusly:
“Hi Caro,
Thank you for writing to us! I’m so sorry for the long delay in hearing from us. We’re experiencing very high volumes at the moment, and I do apologize for the long wait to hear back.
As for the Ma Bar from the Art of Bathing gift set, I have heard in some cases that some of the bath products will absorb fragrances of other items in gift sets since we only use minimal packaging in the sets. It sounds like what may have occurred was that the Ma Bar took on some of the floral scents of other bath products in the set in this case. I’m very sorry for the disappointment! I’d be happy to send you a fresh Ma Bar out if you would like? Would it be ok to send it to the same address as your recent order? Please let me know and I’d be glad to take care of that right away.
Thanks again and I look forward to hearing from you!
Kind regards,
Customer Care Representative”
Yes, I had to wait about 4 days for a response. The point is, this is personalized customer service, and they politely and promptly made things right. I can’t wait for the Ma Bar to come in! Thanks, Megan at customer service!

Snow Globe.

I got a sliver of the Snow Globe soap as a sample in one of my shipments. I have to say, it’s not what I expected from a winter soap! I was expecting something minty due to the color, I suppose, but this soap smells quite distinctly of lemongrass.
I don’t recommend this soap if you’re a night-time bather, like myself… it was definitely a “WAKE UP IT’S TIME TO DO AWESOME THINGS FOR 16 HOURS” scent, not a “Hey man, let’s chill for the night” scent. Honestly, Snow Globe is a little masculine smelling for my taste, but I certainly wouldn’t mind smelling it on my man after his morning shower :) The scent did fade fairly quickly, however; I personally got about 4 hours of scent life from my little sample square.
This was my first time using a Lush soap. I can say for certain that it cleans with a vengeance, but it does leave you VERY wanting in the moisturization department. Make sure to have some body lotion handy, or use this in combination with a bath bomb or melt to get that silky smooth feeling.
Verdict: Purchase for your main man, or if you need a jolt of energy in the morning.
**Snow Globe is a seasonal item, and seems to be gone for the year. Sorry!

Do Knot Disturb!

#Lush haul!!! Thank you, darling boyfriend! Can’t wait to review them! #spoiled
#Lush haul!!! Thank you, darling boyfriend! Can’t wait to review them! #spoiled

Phoenix Rising.

The Phoenix Rising bath bomb was, very appropriately, my first Lush product of the new year… I’m in love.
You drop it into your tub and it sinks to the bottom. Your water turns a bright pink-magenta. As it dissolves, your water changes to a dark indigo and the bath bomb slowly rises to the top (how symbolic!). There is even a little dusting of gold dust floating through your bath. It is probably the most visually pleasing Lush product I’ve used so far! The only thing I didn’t really like was the cinnamon stick that breaks away from it and floats around in your bath… mine was broken, so I was fishing little cinnamon splinters out of my water.
And the SMELL. Oh, my god, the scent. It’s this magical, heady, apple-and-spice heavenly concoction that makes you feel like you’re swimming in a giant bowl of Christmas spiced cider (the water color helps with this illusion). I nestled myself down into this bath and stayed in until the water started to get cool, something I don’t normally do, because I enjoyed the experience THAT much. I even kept the cinnamon pieces on the side of my tub. This was the PERFECT bath bomb after a hard day of overtime. I’m a nurse, so a sore body is a common ailment; with cinnamon as a wonderful natural stimulant, I felt completely revitalized after bathing with Phoenix Rising.
I’ll definitely be buying this again, and you should, too!

The Comforter.

This was my first encounter with one of Lush’s bubble bars… I am in LOVE. It came in the Mrs. Frosty gift set (together with the Butterball and So White bath bombs) that dear Santa put in my stocking this year. When I opened it, it was a bit crumbled:
But no matter! I read that it was good for two baths, so I figured I should use the whole thing for a tub as big as mine.
I wish I had saved half of it!
I love this thing. Love it. It turned my bath water a milky bubblegum pink and instantly frothed up into a mountain of bubbles. It smelled sweet but not cloyingly so, and it softened the water without feeling oily. It is so perfectly named— the bubbles felt like a thick warm comforter blanket, and I wished (for not the first time) that I had gills so I could curl up under them and fall asleep! The Comforter is a perfect winter treat and I can’t wait to get another!
Here’s a crap picture of my bath that is not an actual representation of the color pink your water turns. Think more cotton candy, less old cat food. This is with the tub half full… the bubbles nearly tripled, and this was taken with me swishing my hand most vigorously to move the bubbles out of the way to see the water!


The Butterball bath bomb was the first thing I tried from my Christmas haul… I hate to say it, but I’m kind of disappointed! When they say “butterball”, they certainly mean it. Lush’s website describes it as “anything but boring when you lay back into a cozy white blanket of creamy buttery froth”. Let’s break it down.
1. Actually, it IS pretty boring. No fizzing, popping, crackling, color changing, bubbling, or bursting of confetti as Lush’s products are wont to do.
2. I got no cozy white blanket of creamy buttery froth. What I DID get was a bathtub full of water with yellowy oil droplets floating on top. It pretty much looked like dishwater after washing a greasy pan.
3. It’s small. I feel like I have set myself up for continuous disappointment with Lush’s smaller bath bombs due to the size of my garden tub.
Those things aside, Butterball has a really nice vanilla scent; not a fake sickly vanilla scent, but the kind of warm vanilla smell you get from freshly baked cake. It’s not overpowering and lingers a long time on your skin; I could smell it faintly on myself well into the next day. If you don’t mind an oily bath and the residue feeling on your skin, you will NOT be disappointed by its moisturizing powers. My skin felt AMAZING.
Want something for moisturizing dry winter skin? Definitely get this.
Want something for the Lush bath experience you’ve come to expect? Skip it.

So White.

Not much to the picture there… because it’s, well, white.
The So White bath bomb came to me as part of the Mrs. Frosty gift set (along with the Butterball bath bomb and the Comforter bubble bar). It is significantly larger than Butterball, which I appreciate greatly. Because of its size it did well in my large garden tub, and for those of you with normal tubs, it could be broken in two and used twice, I bet!
So White is an appley scented bomb with a pink bubble bar chunk in the middle, and is meant to be thrown into your tub like a snowball so it bursts open. I did not know this until AFTER I used it… such is my life. Overall I enjoyed it; the scent was nice, a blend of apple and floral, which lingered on my skin into the next day as Lush scents are wont to do. It also softened the water a bit, but not to the extent that the Comforter bubble bar did.
The bubble bar inside did almost nothing; it bubbled a little but faded quickly and left me feeling a little sad at the tiny fluff in my tub. With that in mind, So White really doesn’t have any special effect except making your bath smell like magic and angels. Being a fan of magic-and-angel-scent, however, I think that it is a worthy purchase if you have a normal sized tub and can split it into two baths!